Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Once upon a time a very neurotic girl began a blog…

Ladies and gentlemen, children of all ages (actually I lied this blog is PG-13), I am pleased to present, a blog that will no doubt anger someone in some fashion before I call it quits.  Although this blog will inevitably end because I grow bored or forget my password… I thought I would give it a whirl and attempt  ::gulp:: BLOGGING.

There are a few ground rules I am going to lay down for the few people I know will read my blog (HI MOM)

1. This is a hobby. I will not be grammatically correct.
2. I will probably offend or bore my readers at some point (Deal with it)
3. My favorite piece of punctuation is the ellipses (… ) I intend to use it and will enjoy it often…see I have already started.

Let the blogging begin…