Wednesday, January 19, 2011


In a few weeks I will be a home owner. This fact both terrifies and amazes me.  My husband and I have spent years fantasizing about the time when we could paint the walls of our dwelling any color we want, have a yard to mow and prune, and vacuum even after “quiet” hours.  It is surreal to me that in less than a month I will have a home to call my own.

I have fantasized for many hours about the things that I will do in my home, the weight I will lose in my new home, the creative things I will do in my new home, how clean I will keep my new home, how early I will wake up in my new home, the great food I will make in my new home…the list goes on and on and on. For some strange reason I have it stuck in my head that when I am a home owner I will magically transform from the person I am to an amazing (thin) domestic goddess. Realistically I know this is not true. Owning a home will not change who I am as a person. I will not suddenly become an early riser or a great cook, but I will probably worry more about the weather, the furnace, the pipes, and ::shudders:: ice dams.  Suddenly my mother’s perverse obsession with the weather channel makes perfect sense…when you own a home you own the problems.

As I relish in these last few days of renting bliss (our dishwasher exploded and was replaced, for free, within 24 hours) I find myself worrying about the unforeseen appliances that could, in essence, explode in my new home that I will be responsible for. I also worry about my husband falling through the ceiling when he decides to insulate the attic and all these worries will most assuredly give me an ulcer…so perhaps I will get skinny after all…remember folks there is always a silver lining.

Until next time,

The (almost) domestic goddess